Self-preservation on the Line

self-preservation on the line

Years ago someone added me in a Facebook community. This community tackled the political issues in our province. At that time our province was divided mainly by two political parties. Hence, each party had supporters; not just plain supporters but supporters who were willing to fight with gritted teeth for their party. I also supported one party because I was a registered voter.

One time I posted my opinion on the page concerning some issues we, locals, were facing. There were then an exchange of opinions in the thread. Slowly, one supporter of the other party began to attack me. I defended myself by saying I do not level with small minds (that may sound harsh but a little better than the words he used against me). His reply was more immature. He told me he knew who I was as if insinuating my social status compared to his. To think his family name was the same as my maiden family name. We could see how fanaticism distort a man’s thinking.

Consequently, I did not answer further more. I would not disagree where my social status belongs in the society. Or if my past looked blatantly ugly. I do not care. Those things do not define my true self; so I do not need to spend time and effort arguing with someone over those petty things. What matters to me is who I know myself to be in the now moment. This for me, is the best way to live every second of my life.

After that I no longer visited the community. I loathe places full of negativity. I have the choice to live my best life. And I live my life that way no matter what others have to say.

I looked at things this way because of my role model. He is none other than the famous, Jesus of Nazareth. Jesus had many bashers too. He knew the people who were setting a plot to arrest him. He knew the people who got jealous of him. He knew the person who denied him. He knew the person who betrayed him. He knew the people who shouted that he’d be crucified. However, he did not defend himself. Until the end he did not disagree with these people. He did not even asked them why. He knew he had done nothing to receive such an ugly treatment from all of these people. But he just remained silent. Eventually, he was crucified; and yet got resurrected. What was more beautiful, he did not cry over them, mull over them, or even ask God why people behaved this way.

For me, the example of Jesus is the best way to handle situations like these. There is no need arguing with people who believed greatly how right they are. If you would, you are just like bumping your head on a hard wall. And if ever you could prove to them how right you are and how wrong they are, it could only make their egos cry for becoming so little before you. That they would not allow to happen no matter what.

It pays to know yourself fully well, as well as to be mentally, emotionally and spiritually rooted within; so that when confronted with situations like these, you know you walk away not because you are weak or afraid but because you know it is not worth your time. Some more beautiful things out there are waiting for your attention. It is best to spend your most beautiful life with the most beautiful things that could help you grow, expand and fly.

May you have a purposeful day!





Grateful for the Space

grateful for the space

All of us desire to have our space in this world. Every space we own, we must work for. But there are spaces that are intended by people with generous hearts to be given to others for their growth and the much needed visibility in order for them to achieve their dreams. I am blessed to be invited by Sir Ngobesing Romanus to be a part of his Solidarity Bloggers Society. It is a world for bloggers whose blog aims to help people achieve their dreams and become better individuals.

I am humbled to be considered a part of the inspirer’s world. I am doing all I can to give my best shot in this blogosphere. I am here not because I am already good, but because I am still a work in progress. I own my journey and I need you in this journey for no one stands alone. We both learn from each other. It is my greatest dream to stand before the Lord in eternity and do hope to see you there too.

If you are also inspired to share the goodness in your heart for the betterment of our suffering world one post at a time you may click here to join.

May you have a purposeful day!


Hello to “The Sunshine Blogger Award”

The sunshine blogger award

Just received a nomination for an award. Yehey!

Feeling so grateful to S.M. of secondtymblogger for including my blog in the list of nominees for The Sunshine Blogger Award. A big thank you and a warm hug. I am so happy to know that my posts brought a ray of sunshine in someone’s life. I thank all of you for being a part in my purposive journey.

The Rules:

1. Thank the person who nominated you in a blog post and link back to their blog.
2. Answer the questions sent by the person who nominated you.
3. Nominate seven new blogs to receive the award and write them new questions.
4. List the rules and display the Sunshine Blogger Award logo in your post and/or your blog.

My answers to the questions:

  1. Is there any character from any book or movie that you relate to. If so, then who and why?

The character I relate to fully well is that of Jo March in the book Little Women by Louisa May Alcott. We had certain common characteristics: in the book Josephine or Jo was fifteen years old, which was my age at the time I read the book; Jo was the second daughter which I also am; Jo was kind of boyish, I also was at that time; Jo was a “hot”-tempered young lass, this was one of my struggles too;  Jo loves writing and reading, which are my favorite activities too. Jo was the heroine of the story, I also am the heroine of my story too. (*_^)

2. How do you like to spend your weekends?

Bonding with family! Walking, beach, or just simply at home enjoying the time of togetherness.

3. Name at least one of your pet peeves?

My pet peeve? When someone speaks in contrary to what he does. This for me is complicating an otherwise simple life.

4. What kind of weather do you like?

A cool and windy weather. A kind that has no sun, a little stormy and lots of winds but not the strong one that damages properties. I love to be outdoors when the weather is like this because I love the wind blowing upon my hair.

5.Are you an outdoor person or do you prefer to stay indoors?

I grew up to be an indoor person. My mom was strict and did not like her kids to be staying outside. I come to love it since I am an introverted type too. However, now that my love for photography has developed I am loving it outside to capture everything beautiful.

My nominees:

My questions for the nominees

  1. What is your favorite quotation/s and why?
  2.  How do you see your blog five years from now?
  3. How do you spend quality time with your family?
  4. Do you have any morning rituals? If so, what are they?
  5. What is your life’s biggest goal?


A big thank you to all for the good feedback and for dropping by. You all have brought a ray of sunshine in my life too.

Lotsa love!




Sometimes Jumping Is Fun, Other Times It Is Not


When was the last time I jumped?

In April I jumped down from a tree. I climbed a tree at the beach and posed for a photo. After that I had difficulty in climbing down. I slowly inched my way down and when I reached five feet from the ground, I jumped and got outbalance. I tipped over. Cautiously, I stood up and grateful enough the bones were still intact in its proper place and no bruises whatsoever. Perhaps, the yoga practice helped in my flexibility.

The second time I jumped was in May when we took a family photo in a beautiful background. We all jumped just for fun.

But hey! There is one jump that I always do and does it without awareness most of the time. It is not even fun. It is called jumping into conclusion. No matter how much I try to be mindful of what I do or think, my old self still manages to sneak out. I often slip. That embarrassment for thinking otherwise pushes me to get better the next time.

I could never be perfect I know. But it does not mean I should stop from my desire to grow and be enlightened. The rose has thorns; yet it blooms and emanates a fascinating fragrance. Slip happens. We need them; for they are the arrows that points us towards our destination. We just need to have the determination to start all over and over again. When we slip, it means we need to refresh our focus and then jump into the next level of awareness.

Have a purposeful day!


In response to WP Daily Prompt: jump. 

The Most Important Lessons I Learned From A Not So Perfect Hiking Adventure

the most important lessons i learned from a not so perfect hiking adventure

The year was 1992. I was eighteen years old then. Just imagine the civilization back then of the third smallest island in the Philippines, the Siquijor island. A trek to its highest peak would be too adventurous and challenging. Camp Bandilaan, the island’s highest mountain, could only be reached on foot back then. Since I just came from the city, my aunt and two cousins invited me to take a hike there. During that time, the beaches are not yet developed for tourism, thus the local folks, as well as the visitors, believed that the most beautiful sight the island offers is its virgin forest and lofty mountain.

From where we start, we would cover a total of seven kilometers hike in order to reach the peak. My companions, though local folks, were not expert hikers. We followed a trail which they said was a shortcut to the mountain. Eventually, we lost our way. We had no compass, and no map. We then just followed my aunt’s instinct of where the way could be. Many times, we scurried because of some loud croaking and crowing. According to my aunt it was the sound of a snake calling for prey like frogs or roosters. We also found some loose snake skins along the way. My excitement of the hike was transformed into one of fear and worry. Who would not be, when you are in the middle of the forest, lost, surrounded by tall trees and lush vegetation and with no one to call for help. The look on my aunt’s face too was one of worried and afraid. Yet, she managed to encourage us to not lose hope, that we would find our way. Luckily, after an hour of wandering and searching, we found a trail that lead to the peak. We arrived at the peak at around 1 p.m.

The island is such a warm place. But there on top the wind is so cool. The sun was overlooking at us, but its heat failed to penetrate into our skin. The sight was very amazing because it was still foggy up there. From there we could see the entire island and all the neighboring islands surrounding it. I felt I was on top of the world, away from the cares and worries of the reality below. For thirty minutes I was on a different world, engulfed by nature’s beauty. It all was worth the hike. The sound of the leaves kissed by the breeze and of the birds chirping were all music to my ears. It were all meditative for me.

After thirty minutes of relaxing and having our lunch, we started the journey home because my aunt was afraid darkness would fall with us still on our way. Our trip back was faster and we no longer followed any shortcut paths. It was almost 5 p.m. when we arrived home.

I felt so victorious and fulfilled then. That was the first time I ever took a hike at an island’s tallest and most beautiful mountain. Only that there was one thing I was never prepared for: I got sick the next day. The reason? I got sore muscles all over because I did not take short or long walks before the hike. All in all that trip took us almost ten hours of walking. And I lacked the physical preparation for it.

From that experience I learned several, very important lessons (I also add some tips that are needed for modern-day hiking):

  • Before a hike, you must have walked an hour or several hours a day before the trip that your body would be prepared for it.
  • If possible never take shortcuts, wherein you have not been into before. You never know the dangers along the way.
  • Bring a map with you, and know some landmarks as a point of reference in case you lose your way.
  • Never forget to bring your cellphone and have the numbers for emergency. (At that time we never had cellphones yet.)
  • Always have someone with you who knows the place well.
  • Wear comfortable footwear.
  • Never forget your water and pack lunch, in case you’d be hiking for a whole day.
  • Wear a hat or a sunscreen.
  • Tell your family or someone that you are on a hike and the place that you are going to hike.
  • Pack basic first aid kit like bandages, moleskin, tweezers and antiseptic wipes.
  • Never forget your camera. (One of my disappointments. I never brought one when we did that hike.)
  • A sturdy backpack with a stomach strap is good to carry everything in.

A hike is a very good adventure. I never hiked for a whole day after that. But I am willing to in the future. Nowadays, I just do short and long walks with my kids; just a form of exercise for us. Hopefully, someday soon, I’ll be trekking at the same mountain with my family. I had returned there several times on a vehicle. But hiking would be much fun and challenging still.

Hope you have taken a hike one day in your life too. Have a purposeful day!


In response to WP Daily Prompt: hike.

Fly Like A Butterfly


So will it be with the resurrection of the dead. The body that is sown is perishable, it is raised imperishable; it is sown in dishonor, it is raised in glory; it is sown in weakness, it is raised in power; it is sown a natural body, it is raised a spiritual body.

1 Corinthians 15:42-44


If there is one thing I am passionate about, it is loving everything beautiful in life. I am passionate with self-development, spiritual development and everything about nature.

We only have a limited time in this world. Thus, while I still can, I want to share everything beautiful in this blog.

Just recently, after a severe el niño in our place and the rain came, butterflies came hovering in our yards. Most of them I could not take a shot because of their constant movement from flower to flower. But they are all gorgeous and a site to behold. My passion for them grows each day as I see different colors and sizes. Some of them were in pairs chasing one after the other. They were like kids playing joyfully.


In Christianity, the butterfly has long been a symbol of the resurrection of Christ as well as the resurrection of believers. The caterpillar disappears into a cocoon, which is like the tomb Christ lay in after the crucifixion, appearing dead. Later, it emerges from “death,” having transformed into something more beautiful and powerful than it was.


In daily life, we also get to transform if we wish to. Some days when we experience defeat and failures, we retreat into our comfort zones. When we are ready, we get back again to the track and start all over again with new zest and determination. This is how life goes until we finally emerge as a fully transformed individual like a butterfly able to soar in lightness and in joy.

May one day we soar in flying colors like a butterfly. Have a purposeful day!


In response to WP Daily Prompt: passionate.



Radical Overhaul

radical overhaul

I woke up this morning feeling a little bit offbeat. Perhaps it is depression looming again? Before the illness, I was on cloud nine, counting the stars, watching intently what star shone the most.

Now that I am back on my feet again, a burden seemed to weigh on my shoulders. Was it frustration for failing to come up with my expectation of myself? Was there an imbalance in the chemical composition of my body that left me a little bit sad and bored? Or was depression playing hide and seek with me?

Haha! One thing I forgot, instead of asking what goes wrong, it must be better to look for what seemed right. I am getting healthier again, despite the acidity in my stomach. The ginger root tea is getting its mission. Sooner, this acidity would normalize. Sooner I would manage to get back to my ideal routine again.

It matters much how we see things; what are the lens we use to see things. If we look at things using the lens of negativity, negativity is what we see. But if we choose to see through the eye of positivity, we feel better; we are quite assured that Someone out there is looking over and making sure we are okay.

Someone out there carried me through my days of pain. I could have asked where had He been. Then I remembered, I was already okay because He came running to carry me. Had not it been for Him what would I be but a sick little earthling? I could not command the tides. I could not command the disease to go away. I could not command my food to grow. Everything is – because of Him. My duty is to recognize Him in everything I do; to thank Him for giving me another beautiful day to be spent with my loved ones. For if He should say, “Your time is up,” who am I to say No?

I may seem to be stripped of everything (my active thoughts, my positive outlook, my determination to follow my dreams, my energetic body), all because He wants me to focus on the most important thing at the moment. That is – to put my gaze solely on Him. He wants me to undergo a most radical spiritual overhaul. He wants me to deepen our connection. In the pursuit of my goals, I seemed to have put Him aside. Now, He is speaking clearly to me in my emptiness. In this emptiness, nothing comes in between. Just Him and me.

In my emptiness I bow down before my Master. In my emptiness, my God hold my hand so tight that I may remember, He is the most important goal of all. In my emptiness there is no sadness; for my emptiness speaks of His fullness. My God fills my emptiness with His assuring love and His loving Presence.

Now, need I complain? No. I Thank God. I praise God. My spirit has just gone through a love overhaul. And it is very beautiful.


In response to WP Daily Prompt: radical.


Just Begin

just begin

How to bounce back? Generate a new zing!

My mind was still bobbling in front of my keyboard. For the first time in months I have stopped posting for four days in a row. The flu left me with a weak mind and body. Then came this “zing” prompt. I felt the fate had mocked me. I did not have it, and then I was prompted to write something about it? I was left with no choice but wrote about that zing that gone awry. I was just so glad for my online friends who cared to comment, specifically Sir Ngobesing Romanus and Vanessina. I just have a glimpse of my zing! That’s good news for my little weary soul.

What am I to do now? Follow the zing! My other online friend Petra Omoregie Caroline invited me to join the FB group 30 Day Blogging Challenge. In there the member has to accept the challenge of blogging for 30 days. I know I have been blogging longer than that on a daily basis, so that might be less of a challenge for me. But, the fact that I’d be on a different platform, with different audience is the challenging thing. And that’s where a new zing enters.

Actually, this post is going to be my first entry. It would be proper to thank the founder of the group Sarah Arrow for accepting me. Thank you Sarah! How generous it is of you to help us be seen in the group.

Sarah further gave suggestions on what to write on our post through our welcome email. Among the thirty options, I have not chosen one yet. It still this wobbling mind. But, I do not have to dwell on that yet. What matters most is, I have started. Yes, it is zing enough for me. In every undertaking, the only primary requirement we need is the will to start. By starting, I have defeated my lazy, fearful self who loves to hide in my comfort zone. One post done, twenty-nine more to go. Thanks to this zing. (winks *_^)

Have a zing-ful day!


(WP Daily Prompt: zing)


Where’s The Zing?

Where’s the zing?

Most days I am good. Some I am not. Where’s the zing?

Been looking. Been praying. Where’s the zing?

I have looked beneath my skin.

I have opened my eyes wide.

Where’s the zing?

I slowly panicked. Afraid, I would not see it.

Where’s the zing?

I tried to reach the greatest heights;

I peeked through the deepest pit.

Where’s the zing?

Do you have it hanging down your neck.

Or have it dangling down your ears?

Have you hid it inside a box,

And throw the box to the deepest sea?

Would you give me back my zing.

That thing that makes me shout, “Amazing!”

Hand me back my zing,

That my heart would start to sing.

If you have it,

In the comments just let me know.



In the Rio Olympics, I have watched how athletes perform the individual sports of their choice. One sport I watched was the javelin throw. I watched in awe as the different athletes threw in what they’ve got. However, no matter the time and effort spent for the preparation, lapses happen. One athlete poised to start, determined to get the goal. She ran as fast in order to throw the javelin the farthest. But midway the momentum started to fade. She slowed, stopped and threw her arms in surrender. She lost her calculation. She lost her chance of gold.

At this point, I felt I was that athlete. I had the goal. I knew the strategy. Only that I just lost my momentum. I felt I was “stumpified.” That situation where you felt you were like a tree, ready to bear fruit that would be consumed by the people who hungered for it. But then a cruel woodcutter came and cut the tree down, leaving only a two-foot stump. I was that stump.

The best thing to do now is to start from the beginning, to where the momentum usually is born. A live stump still is able to grow shoots. Those shoots still could produce fruit in the right time. And the good thing with life is that, there is no such thing as too late. I can always start whenever I am ready. There are just obstacles I have to hurdle. Things may happen not according to how I want them to be, yet still I am able to make them happen in the rightest time. In God’s time.

Have a purposeful day!


(WP Daily prompt: stump)