Seeing Hearts 10: The Many Facets of Love

I thought I was done posting heart-shaped objects. I thought heart-shaped objects are only part of the random things I see daily. I thought heart-shaped objects would no longer affect me.

Well, they do. This time. Today. They’re just too cute to ignore and the messages behind them are too loud to avoid. At least, that’s how I see them.

seeing hearts 10: love in unexpected places.

Heart-shaped stone

This one is a heart-shaped stone that lay along our path. Only a few number of stones have such shape, right? We could hardly ignore it.

It’s like the people we meet along our journey. At times, we are attracted to people who seem to have a heart of stone, adorable yet cold. But people are not made of stone. No matter how cold they appear, deep inside they have a soft spot, waiting for some connection. You might be the one they are waiting for.

Or, maybe, at one point or another, we acted as a heart of stone along somebody else’s journey. Perhaps, we can be a bit more loving.

seeing hearts 10: love in unexpected places

Heart-shaped hole in a plastic bag.

In our household, we recycled plastic bags. The one we can use, we keep, the damaged ones get discarded. Seeing a hole in that one above made me decide to throw it. Surprisingly, the heart-shaped hole caught my attention.

Can showing love makes us damaged goods? When not in the right place, yes, like this plastic bag. But even damaged goods can delight us, especially when it shows love. Whatever form love shows, it always brings delight.

Sometimes one needs to get torn in order to realize the depth of love. But true love brings magic. True love heals and makes perfect even the most damaged of souls.

seeing hearts 10: love in unexpected places

A heart in a bowl headed for the sink.

That one above is kind of dirty. It’s a bowl where we placed the fried bananas. I was about to put it in the sink when the heart-shaped image captivated me. Unusual, is it not?

It’s like when we are about to discard something in our life that it shows value.

It’s like when we value something, but keeping it wouldn’t make us any good.

It’s like a love that is there only for the moment, yet needs to go when the right time comes.

Love has many facets indeed. It’s part of the grand design of this universe. In whatever ways love touches us, one thing is sure – God is there for us and with us.



Daily Prompt

Go Greens

Go green

My reasons for planting veggies are the same with the above quote too. But mostly, to eat something fresh and organic.

Eating greens is also acknowledged in the Bible. Let me share a part of Dr. Josh Axe’s post on Top Ten Bible Foods That Heal where vegetables are included:

Please test your servants for ten days, and let us be given somevegetables to eat and water to drink. (Daniel 1:12)

Instead of eating the tasty dainties of the Babylonians, Daniel and his friends requested to live on a vegetarian diet. When it was time for them to be presented to the king, Nebuchadnezzar and all of the leaders were astounded to see that the 4 young Jewish friends were more fit and looked better than the other young men who ate the Babylonian fare. Often referred to as the Daniel “diet,” history and biblical text actually support that Daniel continued his vegetarian lifestyle throughout his entire life.

Of all the food groups, vegetables are arguably the most nutrient-dense and safest to eat. There’s relatively no risk in consuming too many of them; whereas, if you eat fruit all day, you run the risk of spiking your blood sugar or developing dental caries because of the excess sugar.

Vegetables are so effective at healing that, according to the National Cancer Institute, cruciferous veggies (broccoli, cabbage, collards, kale, radish etc.) can help prevent cancer because they are rich in glucosinolates – a large group of sulfur-containing glucosides. Known to break down during chewing and digestion, these powerhouse chemicals can slow down and even reverse cancer cells growth. Additionally, it has also been reported that glucosinolates can treat the following health concerns:

  • Inflammation

  • Bacterial and viral infections

  • Carcinogenic toxicity

  • Tumor angiogenesis (blood vessel formation)

  • Tumor metastasis (tumor migration)

Thus, let’s go greens. And if you have an ample area, it it much better to plant your own greens.

purposivewriter - nezel yurong


1 Butterfly, 1 Sunrise, 1 Beautiful Morning


Brisk-walking is part of my early morning routine. Having a glimpse of sunrise is a bonus. Today, this tiny butterfly caught my eye. Its color turned to gold as the sunlight penetrated its wings. As I looked closer to take a clearer shot, its hind wings slowly opened and closed. I did not know what the move was for. Is it grooming itself? Or, is it preparing for flight should I frighten it?

I didn’t know why. One thing was for sure, I had a wonderful experience: one tiny butterfly, one cool sunrise, one beautiful morning. That was all it takes to start my wonderful day!

May you have a beautiful day too!

purposivewriter - nezel yurong



Subdued In Half

subdued in half

Subdued in half. Literally. I am typing now using the five fingers only of my left hand. Boy is it difficult. My right hand has been injured today. So my right five fingers have its day off. Hopefully, by tomorrow my right hand would be functioning well again.

Since writing is a daunting task for now, let me just entertain you with some of my cottage garden flowers. The orchids are a type of dendrobiums; while the rest are gumamela or rose of sharon.

May you have a great time!

purposivewriter - nezel yurong

WP Daily Prompt

Weekly Photo Challenge: Nostalgia

Have these empty shells as one of our garden features. These brought me one of the beautiful memories of my childhood. My family and my neighbors went to the beach on weekends to spend time together gathering shells and other edible seafoods and ate together. We were like four families. Just imagine the fun we had while grilling some of our catch. We, children, then went swimming after feasting on everything on our plates.

Now, these empty shells graced my garden. And perhaps, drive some insects too. See how healthy my bok choys are!

Have a blessed day!


WPC: nostalgia

Fly Like A Butterfly


So will it be with the resurrection of the dead. The body that is sown is perishable, it is raised imperishable; it is sown in dishonor, it is raised in glory; it is sown in weakness, it is raised in power; it is sown a natural body, it is raised a spiritual body.

1 Corinthians 15:42-44


If there is one thing I am passionate about, it is loving everything beautiful in life. I am passionate with self-development, spiritual development and everything about nature.

We only have a limited time in this world. Thus, while I still can, I want to share everything beautiful in this blog.

Just recently, after a severe el niño in our place and the rain came, butterflies came hovering in our yards. Most of them I could not take a shot because of their constant movement from flower to flower. But they are all gorgeous and a site to behold. My passion for them grows each day as I see different colors and sizes. Some of them were in pairs chasing one after the other. They were like kids playing joyfully.


In Christianity, the butterfly has long been a symbol of the resurrection of Christ as well as the resurrection of believers. The caterpillar disappears into a cocoon, which is like the tomb Christ lay in after the crucifixion, appearing dead. Later, it emerges from “death,” having transformed into something more beautiful and powerful than it was.


In daily life, we also get to transform if we wish to. Some days when we experience defeat and failures, we retreat into our comfort zones. When we are ready, we get back again to the track and start all over again with new zest and determination. This is how life goes until we finally emerge as a fully transformed individual like a butterfly able to soar in lightness and in joy.

May one day we soar in flying colors like a butterfly. Have a purposeful day!


In response to WP Daily Prompt: passionate.



Summary And Finale of My Participation In Caroline’s 30 Days Sunrise Photo And Health Challenge

Finale! At last I am on my thirtieth day. Wahoo!

Caroline's 30 days sunrise photo and health challenge

So how does it feel to be here? I will answer this question lastly. Let me relate again, how I started. I have read Caroline’s challenge from my reader feed. It was just random browsing. Upon reading all about it, I said to myself, oh, this is just easy because the sun always shine in our country summer or not. With the health part, I have been doing yoga, though I consider myself still a beginner. At least I am doing something that is good for my health. I was just hesitant because Caroline was already on her fourth day. However, she emphasized that the period covered would be from July 14 to September 1. That makes more or less forty-five days to do. Since the required number of days is only 30, there would be lot of allowances for unexpected events whereby one could not perform the challenge in a day. Then and there, I was on it.

Later did I realize, the sunrise is not visible from my home. Moreover, I need to get up earlier than my wake up time if I were to catch the sunrise. I then slowly begin to doubt myself: could I really do this? I already have started. Should I stop? If I stop a heavier toll is on me. I have tried doing certain projects in the past without finishing most of them. This time I must never ever stop. What if I just do this one day at a time without overthinking about it? I did moved on, anyway the rules of the challenge are wide open. Besides, it only takes a five minute walk from my house to get a view of the sunrise.

My first two days in the challenge I used old photos. I was already days behind so  I tried to catch up. The third day was my first experienced of having a view of the sunrise. It was a bit cloudy but the clouds gave more dramatic effect on the sunrise. I then slowly noticed the freshness of the air and the bits and pieces of nature around. Caroline started to comment. That gave me much motivation to go on. I was inspired by her photos too.

Day four was so cloudy. Day five was still cloudy but I loved that photo so much. The clouds looked like an eruption of a volcano with the sun’s rays scattered behind. Day six is my most loved of all. I had been in another island. From there the sun rose from the sea. With the sea giving a reflection of the sunrise, it was all perfect for me. Day seven is my second most loved. The sunbeams passed through the mango trees that grow at our neighbor’s yard. The effect was made complete by the morning fog.


On day eight it rained because there was a typhoon looming at the other part of the country. I just used an old photo. On day nine I started to notice grasses and butterflies. That was the first time I included their photos in my post. On day ten it rained again. Good that the sun showed up at 7:00 A.M. I then took photos of the things where the sunlight fell.

On day eleven I was chasing butterflies. It was a cloudy morning and the sun did not show any trace. Later when it showed up I took photos of it peeking through the branches of trees. Day twelve was an interesting one. My youngest son accompanied me in my early morning walk. We walked for forty minutes then. On day thirteen I meditated with nature. I was too tired to take my morning walk because my son got sick the previous night and I had minimal sleep. It was a perfect moment for meditation for me because the weather was windy and the smell of the grasses was so refreshing. I just missed Caroline’s comment and wondered why she had not posted anything on her blog. However, I still went on with my goals.

On day fourteen it was me who got sick. I felt I had overworked myself and over-eaten foods that are not good for my body. Again I used an old photo. It rained on day fifteen. When the rain shower stopped and the sun finally showed up I took photos of it through thick leaves. I was surprised, the effect was awesome. On day sixteen my morning activity finally sank in. I slowly noticed that I began to fell in love with the sunrise. I even wondered why had I not started this activity early on when I was surrounded with nature. Despite that, I began to get worried why hadn’t Caroline commented on my posts. She had not even updated her blog. I then questioned myself if I should continue with the challenge. I just thanked myself for being resolute enough to go on.

On day seventeen my son was with me again. We climbed up a hill. I then felt in myself the good effects of walking. So I wrote the benefits of it in my post. On day eighteen I was so immersed in nature. I did not take a walk farther, but took notice of everything around me: from flowers, to butterflies, to spiderwebs. I started to appreciate these things. I felt I was seeing things with new eyes.

We were a team on day nineteen. My two kids and my mom joined with me. I included in my post the benefits of bonding with family. I was alone on day twenty. I shared the benefits of “me time” in my post. Day twenty-one was supposedly a good time for sunrise photo taking. However, I woke up a little later. The sun was so bright when I took a ten-minute brisk-walk. In my post I shared how I re-aligned my health goals. Day twenty-two was a rare one for me since I started this morning routine. I was surprised to see the moon still out in the sky. The previous night I took a photo of it. And in the morning it was still there! I was just amused.

Day twenty-three was a breakthrough. I and my youngest son almost reached the top of the hill. For the first time we walked for one hour. On day twenty-four the clouds covered the sun again and occasional rain showers fell. I again used old photos and shared the beautiful things I learned in this journey in my post. Day twenty-five was still a rainy one. I used an old photo and shared the eight benefits of sunlight on us. I was flattered Caroline reblogged my post. Yes, she was back a few days ago. She got sick that was why she was offline for a longer time. But she is catching on with the challenge.

On day twenty-six it rained very early. By 6:45 A.M. the rain stopped. I managed to take a photo of the sun’s light that fell on the branches of a huge tree outside of our yard. It was an amazing sight! On this day I shared in my post the eleven benefits of rising early. On my twenty-seventh day I was still awed by the sunrise. The sky was still reddish-orange and tiny clouds spotted the sky. That was a “wow’ moment again. It were the seven things to do to rise up early that I shared for today.

On day twenty-eight we took on a different route. My youngest son and my mom were with me again. This day I was inspired to share my thoughts on living life one day at a time. On day twenty-nine I took photos of flowers in our yard. My son got sick the previous night and so I had a sleepless night. I went outside to refresh myself and just inspired to take photos of everything beautiful where the sunlight fell. And I shared some meanings of the number twenty-nine.

Thirtieth day: finale!

Do you know that I have a very beautiful plan for this day? I plan to take a sunrise photo at the beach with me doing yoga in front of the sun. However, my son got sick. There was no way I could do this since I plan to end this challenge on the last day of the specified period. I proceeded to option 2: walk up the hill and catch sunrise there.

The next day I executed my plan. I woke up so early, past 3:00 A.M. I was just excited. Well, two of my loved ones woke up too and asked to join me – my mom and my youngest son. It was still dark when we started. We were off at 5:06. Minutes later a reddish sky greeted us. Wow! I thought to myself:  a promising sunrise awaits us.

But when we started climbing up the hill, I was slowly disheartened. Clouds started to cover the sky. Just a pale light from the sunrise was visible. I then decided that we must see where the sunrise was more visible. It means we have to follow a driveway to a friend’s house that curved a little around the hill. We did just that. When we reached at the end of the way, Oh, we were greeted by an open field with a cow grazing, a sunrise over the mountain with thick clouds on top of it, wildflowers sprawling and a view of the sea. It was such a beautiful sight for me. All the photos on this post were taken on this day. Please say with me: Amazing! Little things just make me happy. My spirit just danced. The view was enough an award for me for having arrived this far and able to complete the challenge. Cheers!

By the way, we walked today for a total of one hour and twenty-seven minutes. The first time we did. We climb down the hill excited and happy. And I thanked the clouds for not hiding the sunrise from us completely.

So how was I after the thirty days? I changed a bit. I find myself more joyful, more beautiful inside, more loving, more aware of my surroundings, much healthier, less prone to stress and a certified amateur photographer as well. Moreover, I felt my energy to be slowly coming back.

In 2014, I got sick and soon believed I wouldn’t be healthier and energetic again. I thought my youthful years had been over. I am so thankful I am slowly able to tinker around my garden again. I am so grateful I participated in this challenge. And more grateful to Caroline for coming up a challenge like this.

I may have completed the 30 days challenge, but deep within my heart says my journey to sunrises is not yet over. In fact, it had just begun. It would never be because from here I birthed my morning magic routine.

As for the health challenge, morning walks has been and would be a part of that magic routine, my yoga practice included.

If you love nature and have access to nature, this challenge would work great for you too. May you be the next participant.

You may access Caroline’s 30 days sunrise photo and health challenge here. You may also access each of my post about this challenge in this page.

Thank you for reading this far. Have a great day!
