How To Overcome A Blank Page

writing on the blank page- purposive writer

Last night I stared at my son directly without flickering my lashes. He noticed it. He knew he had done nothing wrong to receive such a serious gaze. He became curious about the blank stare. He smiled at me and asked: What happened mom? Are you okay? “Yeah, sure son I am okay,” I answered with a smile too. “It is just that I am composing my thoughts to be put here on this blank page.”

Writer’s block. They call it. Sometimes it is really weird. Ideas come rushing in your mind and when you get your paper and pen, or laptop to put those words, the ideas blow out like bubbles in the air. You search in the deepest corners of your mind to retrieve it. But, it is nowhere to be found. Gone. Suddenly. Just like the way it came.

My ways of pulling myself off this situation is to open the dictionary, read others’ works about the topic, and read quotations related to the theme I am working on. Or better yet, I sit down and just write what comes to mind. When it’s time to write the final draft, better ideas come pouring in. So, staring on a blank page is not much a problem for me.

It is the same with life. When we come into this world we are given a blank canvass to write our own story. Most times, we know what to write. At times we are caught off guard and do not know what to do. But there is no need for us to fret. God give us friends, family, and mentors to guide us along the way. When we are caught in the middle of nowhere, we just have to stay there. Be there. Better things always come to our rescue. Some things may not be favorable. But we always learn and grow and mature from those experiences. That is how good our Maker is. He sees to it that “everything works for good to those who love Him.”

Have a purposeful day!


(WP Daily Prompt: blank)

9 thoughts on “How To Overcome A Blank Page

  1. Well written! I recently was under the same situation. So I have made it a point to pen down whatever comes to my mind, wherever I am.


  2. Nice, Helpful it is!


  3. Ahh, the dreaded writers block. It’s pretty annoying. I wrote a post about ways to overcome it. Great post, good points.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. The chronicles of the blank page. Thanks for the dictionary idea. I wish life had a dictionary to get ideas for tomorrow. I guess the Bible could be just that I suppose. Considering that greater is He that is in me, then truth be told greater is what is coming to the page that what was there before.
    Your blog post came in on the right time. I’ve never blogged before and is a newbie at this, but I’m inspired. We were created for more than living just for ourselves. Keep It Up


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