Seeing Hearts 9: The Glory of Love

seeing hearts 9

Stray paint on leg of chair

With each passing of the day, seeing these heart-shaped objects became normal. Sometimes, I see them as perfectly shaped, other times, imperfectly. This lead me to these impressions:

Love is a mission

We all define heart as love. To the deeply spiritual, the heart is our core. I define this daily manifestation based on those two assumptions: that I am reminded to love every day; and that love is my core.
Loving everybody is not as easy as one, two, three. It means I have to love both the lovable and the unlovable, my likers and my dislikers, and so on. It’s not easy, yes, but like the rain that does not choose where to fall, whether to the good or bad, I also have to do my part. I have to extend love to whoever comes my way.
But before I could extend that love, I need to have it in myself first. I need to love myself unconditionally, without judgment, with total acceptance of who I am, who I’m not, what I am, and what I’m not.
I also need others’ guidance in order to love fully. I don’t have everything there is to know about love. Aside from constant prayer to be guided in this love journey, I also read Og Mandino’s book, “The Greatest Secret in the World.” The Scroll Marked II in it is very timely. It speaks of the love which should be practiced for five consecutive weeks. I’ll be posting that love part soon. It’s a good way to train the subconscious the practice of love.


seeing hearts 9

Morsel of cake

Love is what you are

I got this line from Deepak Chopra’s Youtube video, that love is what we are, it is our core, our being. I felt it to be true. We are born out lof love, out of God’s breathe of love. I felt so blessed to be reminded of this truth. And to this truth, I hold on.

Loving the unlovable

The slanted, deformed, or the ones that turned upside down heart-shaped objects represent the people who look unlovable by their ways and personalities. But digging deep, we would discover what makes them what they are. Love could do that much easily. The main point is, they too, deserve to be loved.
Our mission is to love because we are love, and that we have to love even the unlovable.
That’s all for now. May you have a great day!

7 thoughts on “Seeing Hearts 9: The Glory of Love

  1. Well said, as usual: 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. A beautiful post on love. Many things learned. Thanks for sharing.

    Liked by 1 person

    • You are growing, maturing in embracing loves truth! God loves us without condemnation, As we embrace him, his love and grace is given to us by the presence of His holy spirit! I love myself because he first loved me…I love all others because, he love them and sacrificed his life for them, the greatest act of love. So whether they are good or bad, I will never judge, but with my spirit and heart embrace by his love daily…I will always love others and never question why…just like I will not question why he loves me! You are crafting your skill in such a wonderful way,,, it leaves the presence of love found in your spirit, within me, mind and thoughts. It is appealing, for we share the same love…His! Hugs and blessing always!

      Liked by 1 person

      • Those are very loving words of you Wendell! I’m very much humbled. Truly God’s love is great and it’s what makes us love each other unconditionally. Thank you for the inspiration. God bless.:)


    • The pleasure is mine! I’m so glad I’ve shared something that inspired your learning. Thank you for reading. 🙂


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